The Rabbit Hole - 10th Edition

Welcome back to The Rabbit Hole! When you play the Game of Thrones, you either win or die there is no middle ground.

Life Update: It was a really fun week. I should just say weekend. Work was fine. I’m very much ready to be done at this place. As I’m writing this I’m hiding at my desk from this big open-house event that I surely should be taking part in. If the letter feels off or short this week that’s why.

Dexter Daze was this weekend, and I can finally say we’ve graduated to the beer tent. I remember the days when we’d vlog us riding the kid’s train, go on the rides, watch the duck race, and eat snow cones. Those days are done. Now we just drink away the sorrows of mourning our youth… KIDDING the beer tent rules. A true melting pot of Dexter personalities, most of which I tried to avoid talking to at all costs. When you have conversations with Rory Tell followed by Lex Krull, you know you’re in the thick of it.

Friday gave us an all-time night out with Sam making out with some random girl for like 15 minutes in the middle of a sparsely populated Skeeps. That was a sight to behold and a night to remember. Saturday brought more chill vibes as we began in the same place as Friday, but opted for Christian Orlowski’s party as opposed to an A2 run. The party was fun, but it took a turn when the gloves and headgear came out and a circle formed around Jmart and Sam. Let’s just say that wasn’t Sam’s first run-in with a tall, skinny stallion that weekend. The bouts were fun until someone got popped in the nose or knocked down and it felt a bit too real. Also, these dudes were nowhere near drunk enough to be doing all that. Very fun night nonetheless.

Creative Corner: It was a lighter TCS this week, as I wasn’t able to watch any of the new releases over the weekend, so there weren’t any new movies to review, but I broke down D23 announcements and chatted about my week among other things. Here’s the raw recording.

Content I’ve Consumed this Week Cave: G and I wrapped up Presumed Innocent Sunday night. I’ve been on a bit of a TV kick, and if you’re into true crime or procedural dramas, this show is for you. Jake Gyllenhaal is of course stellar and possibly his most unhinged. I was lukewarm on the ending at first, but now that I’ve sat with it for a couple of days I’m at peace with it.

With season 2 of House of the Dragon concluding, I’m not quite ready to leave Westeros for another two years, so naturally I’m rewatching Game of Thrones. I’m sure you’ve gathered that from the cold open of this letter. I’m obsessed. I’ve seen up to around seasons 3-4 maybe? I’ve certainly never seen the show from start to finish, but I’m in and I don’t plan on getting out until I finish the show. That’s been conflicting with my Alien watch-through in preparation for Romulus. I’ve seen the first two and watched the third last night so I just have three more to go before I see the new one on Friday, but all I can think about is Thrones.

I also got through all of M. Night’s filmography which is very exciting. I speak on that as well on the show this week.

Finally, I’ve been completely podcast-consumed this week. I found yet another movie podcast to obsess over in The Rewatchables hosted by Bill Simmons. Always liked Simmons as a sports writer/media personality, but didn’t know his movie bag was so deep. Great insights and have really just been enjoying The Ringer as a whole media company. Could see myself wanting to work there someday.

Riffin’ Recap: We had a grand ol’ time out on the water at the property. We riffed on some potential movie ideas involving the Mia Stewart film from High School. We had an idea to create an interconnected (MCU-type) universe revolving around Mia’s character. We went in-depth, spanning the big screen to limited series, to full-length, cable television shows. At the time, it sounded great, and I still believe we could pull it off. Just need to get ahold of our star and get her on a cheap deal that she’d sign for a minimum 36-project agreement. Keep the budgets low, and the sex high, and we’ll be famous in no time. i also busted out my old-timey Hollywood director impression and people seemed to like it. I’ll get to work on that character for any sort of project that would require something along those lines.

Chrissy’s Counsel: 

Movie: The Sixth Sense
Show: Game of Thrones
Album: I don’t listen to music
Song: See above
Podcast: The Rewatchables

Rabbit Spotlight: As I mentioned last week, it’s my turn to be under the spotlight. Enjoy.

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Orange

Q: What is your favorite food?

Q: What is your favorite Rabbit bit? (past or present)
A: I’d be remiss (I thought remissed was the word but Grammarly and Google say otherwise) to not mention Buddy’s House, a bit birthed by me and one of vast longevity. I read all of you say it’s hard to think of all of them on the spot and now that the lights are on me I’m also struggling.

Q: What is your fondest memory involving the Rabbits?
A: Monmunmenting in DC immediately comes to mind. I’ve loved our property honkey tonks this summer. Any time we can get everyone together will always be the best.

Q: What is your favorite trip you’ve been on with the Rabbits?
A: LA 2022 was a masterclass, I had an infamous moment in Miami, but I think it just might be DC pt. 1.

Q: What are your hopes for the Rabbits in the future?
A: Success and happiness for all. Much like when we were nearing the end of High School, we’re about to enter another transitionary period in our lives. This one feels a lot more unknown and cloudy, though. I could say I hope we stay in contact with each other and visit whenever we can, but I already know that’ll happen. While the unknown is scary, it’s also exciting. I can’t wait to see what everyone gets up to/goes post-grad. Soon after I need people to start settling down so we can get some Rabbit weddings going ASAP. Soon after that, we need some Rabbit babies (bunnies) on the way so that I can be Uncle Chrissy D at last.

Lastly, I can’t WAIT for that hunting trip in 10 years. It could spell the end of the Rabbits as we know it when I shoot Jmart, but at least we’ll go out with a bang.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add about our awesome friend group?
A: I just love you guys. Most of my thoughts have been said already in this section. Our friendship is rare, and I try to remind myself that as often as I can so I don’t take any of it for granted. I started this silly newsletter not knowing exactly what I wanted it to be but now we’re 10 weeks in and I’ve had so much fun with it. I wasn’t expecting the response I got from everyone but I’m thankful to you guys for sticking with me, engaging with the blog, and giving me feedback weekly. With school starting back up soon, I’ll be more busy, but I’ll try my best to keep up with this thing. Rabbit Hole to the moon!

I’ll be writing the next letter in Denton so who knows how that’ll look. Have a great week and let’s get ready to partaayyyyy!